Monday, December 1, 2008

Merry Christmas

Yesterday we celebrated Christmas with Andy's sister Sarah and her husband Marc. His mom cooked another great dinner and we celebrated with all of the traditional treats (well, no Christmas cookies).

It was fun to have everyone here and to see everyone open their gifts! I think Mason is going to love Christmas morning this year! Marc and Sarah bought him a cute Elmo laptop and an advent calendar with German candies in it. He loved both! It was great to be able to celebrate with them before they head back home to Germany tomorrow.

Today starts my 14th week of pregnancy. One big praise is that it has been 4 days since I have lost a meal! I have another appointment next Tuesday. I may switch to a midwife for awhile since I am a bit unhappy with my doctor. I understand that she can not make the nausea or dizziness go away, but I do feel hurried in and out when I am there every week and I also feel like I am the one making suggestions on my treatment and care. I had a midwife when I was pregnant with Mason and I loved her. She took so much time with me at every appointment and really explained things well. It was kind of the last straw when I got the call from my OB's nurse to tell me about the placenta previa last week. When I had asked what happens if the condition does not correct itself, I was told that it could be fatal for the baby and I. I was caught off guard that she would say something like that over the phone and also if it were something that serious, why would my OB not call? I spoke with the office manager to tell her my concern about this and will hopefully be talking to and seeing the midwife soon.

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