Friday, February 19, 2010

*is 17 # 12 oz and is 28 1/4 inches long (32nd percentile for weight & 75th for height)
*is clapping
*is saying mama, dada, (and Andy swears he heard a "mommy" but I think that was coincidence!)
*is scooting all over the floor and can really get to what she wants now (Mason is NOT a big fan of this!)
*is learning sign language, Mason is my assistant teacher :)
*is going through separation and stranger anxiety
*loves baths
*has 7 teeth
*is no longer interested in baby food and is eating table food and LOVES everything-Praise God!
*still taking 3 naps a day
*is very curious
*sucks her thumb at night and likes her pacifier only while she is in her car seat
*FINALLY has enough hair for a little pony tail YAY!!!
*is such a huge blessing to our family! She and Mason bring us so much joy everyday!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My little Valentines...Mason already celebrated Valentines Day at preschool with a fun party!
Here he was playing his favorite game, Musical Chairs!! I was volunteered as the room-mom and stayed for his whole party (Kailee was not as excited about it as I was, that meant she had to stay in her car seat for 2 hours). It was super cute seeing all of them get so excited passing out their valentine cards and treats. They had a huge feast toward the end of class where they got all sugared up right before they sent them home :)

Kailee has mastered the art of clapping her hands together! It is so cute to watch her because she gets so proud of herself, SO cute that I thought I would share it with you step by step!
Step #1 (above)-concentrating very hard to make sure it is successful!

Step#2-already proud of herself as her hands come together for the first time!

Step #3-cracking up laughing because she is so proud of herself!

Step#4-All done and making sure Mason and I are still watching before she attempts it again!

Step #5-she repeats steps #1-4 MULTIPLE times a day which makes for a very happy girl!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pre-earrings...VERY happy girl!

Right after getting them...very blotchy from crying (she gets that from me)!

Getting used to them :)

Last Friday after I got home from work my mom and I pierced Kailee's ears! I have been wanting to do it for a while, but kept forgetting about it. After one too many "oh, what a cute little boy" comments about her I quickly remembered! Poor Kailee one day she will grow some hair!
Grandma Char gave her a cookie as a distraction and we put her in the bumbo chair on the counter. I would definitely not say she was a fan of getting them done :( It was really hard to watch her go through it because she kept looking at us like 'why would you do this to me'. After they were both done she kept a very close eye on us just to make sure we were not up to anything else.
Thankfully she will never remember it and they are darn adorable :)