Monday, April 27, 2009

4 More Weeks!

Well, I am down to the last stretch (literally)! I only have 4 more weeks to go and honestly I have no idea how my stomach is going to stretch any further!!
I gained 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks, but when she measured me, I am only measuring at 33 weeks (2 weeks behind schedule). She said she is not concerned because I have a small stature and that it could be that my abs are so tight (yeah, I have no idea-did she SEE my stomach?? Do I even have abs anymore??)
I also have to do a 24 hour urinalysis because I had blood and protein in my urine. My Stage II kidney disease is sneaking back into the picture for some reason. Arrgh!
So, needless to say it was not a very positive visit, but Kailee's heart sounds great so that is what I am focusing on!
32 days and counting.....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A New Swing Set for Mason

We started our weekend by purchasing a new swing set for Mason on Friday. Andy was about ready to kill me when he read the reviews and found out that it takes 18-20 hours to build it (sorry honey!). I have to admit I was even a bit overwhelmed when we took out all of the pieces and started sorting them. Of course, nothing was labeled so I (with my Type A personality) had to quickly sort and label all of the hardware into separate ziplock bags and then put them in alphabetical order. I was also kind of hoping this would help ease the pain of it taking 18-20 hours to build! We ended up getting a good jump start on it on Saturday morning after he picked it up, but then unfortunately due to the crazy intermittent thunderstorms he did not get as much done as he was hoping to. Mason knows that he is getting a new swing set but thankfully is not impatient for it to get done. It does not yet look like a swing set, so until he sees the finished product, I don't think he really gets it. Kinda like the concept of his little sister, he still thinks we are just have to go pick her up from Costco :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Up for a Vote

So Andy and I still keep going back and forth about the spelling of our little girl's name!

In no particular order....

Choice #1 Kayleigh


Choice #2 Kailee

Cast your vote!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Showing off his new trains from his Easter basket at Grammie and Grandpa's! (I have no idea what I am doing!)
Mason went to have breakfast with the Easter Bunny Saturday morning!
Hayden with her Easter Bunny ears!
OK, this was take #4 and we still have one with eyes closed :( We missed having Hope!
The Easter Tree with prize filled eggs! Mason started singing "Best of Both Worlds" when he picked the Mylie Cyrus sticker!
Posing with Hannah and Halle!

Happy Easter!

We started out the day with GREAT news that Hope was going to get to come home this morning!! HOORAY!
Ted stopped here to drop off the 3 other girls and then left to go get Stacy and Hope. At least they are able to get to spend most of Easter Day all together even if they are super tired!
We enjoyed an amazing brunch here and then watched all of the kids do an Easter egg hunt and pick prize filled eggs off of the Easter Tree.
Now that Mason's nap is over we are off to have dinner with Andy's family.
Pictures to follow....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Another Hope Update

Well, the enema definitely worked...Hope ended up going to the bathroom 5 times and after they weighed it all it was over 1 pound worth!! She was SO backed up.
She was feeling better this morning and even pushed a little play shopping cart around the hospital (the first time she has walked in a couple days). She is eating a bit and drinking, but they will not let her go home until she is able to go to the bathroom again without assistance. So, she is spending another night and should come home tomorrow.
Thanks for all of your prayers. It is so scary that just having the flu virus did all of this to her little system, but we are thankful that it is not something worse and that she will make a full recovery!
Have a very Happy Easter!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009


My niece Hope was admitted to U of M hospital Thursday after having the stomach flu on Sunday and Monday. She spent a few hours in the ER on Monday to get hydrated as she could not keep anything down. She left with a script for an anti-emetic to keep her from throwing up. Tuesday and Wednesday of this past week she no longer had a fever and was not throwing up so we thought she was recovering, however she was VERY lethargic and would not even sit, stand or walk by herself ( if you know Hope that is very unusual! She is usually all over the place)! So, Thursday my sister took her to U of M to see what was going on and after many tests, the doctors found out that she has an intestinal blockage which was caused by the stomach flu. Basically the virus shut down her bowels. She had to have a CT scan today because they found a small lump in her abdomen, but it turns out that it is just from her being so backed up.
They did a suppository tonight and nothing happened and when I left the hospital at 7pm, they were waiting for the nurses to do an enema. If that does not do the trick, then they are going to use a scope to try and "break things up". As a last resort they may possibly have to do surgery :(
So, please pray for my little niece who is just not getting any rest, has been poked and prodded at each end and is in pain. Please also keep my sister and her husband in your prayers as they have not slept and are trying their best to keep Hope comforted during all of this. We are praying that all goes well tonight with the enema and that she would get to come home tomorrow.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter Egg Dyeing!!

He had so much fun coloring his eggs. Orange is his favorite color, I am actually quite surprised they all did not end up orange!

Our Weekend

Here are a couple picts of Mason driving-he has so much fun driving home from the mailbox (please keep in mind we only have about 10 houses in our sub, so there are hardly ever any other cars)! He also LOVES honking the horn over and over, I am sure our neighbors love us!!

Friday Andy took me out for my birthday. This is the 3rd time I got to celebrate it this week :) Kinda dulls the pain of turning 30!! We went to Stillwater in Brighton for dinner which was delicious and then we headed to The Melting Pot for dessert. I LOVE that place. It is probably a good thing that it is expensive, otherwise I would be there all the time!

Yesterday I had to work and then we hurried into Novi to get a Rain Check for a swing set that we want for Mason and the sale ended yesterday. After that I headed to a friends house to celebrate her 30th birthday party while Andy and Mason hung out.

Today after church we got to finally hang out and relax a bit :) I feel like our last few weeks have been pretty busy. We colored Easter Eggs with Mason tonight which was a lot of fun and so cute to see him get excited doing it (pictures to follow-they are on Andy's camera).

Tomorrow I go to get the 2nd area of Basal Cell Carcinoma out of my back. They are also going to take the stitches out of my neck, which will be nice to have that start healing.
I am REALLY hoping it does not snow as much as they say it is going to, I have to be there at 7:30am!!


I just got back from CVS and did awesome! I love couponing. I did end up spending money (I had NO gift cards-bummer), but still ended up getting some great deals!! I also bought 3-12pks of Coke Zero which are not pictured. Sure I really don't need 6 bags of M&Ms, 6 cans of Pringles or 6 bags of coffee right now, but since they were on such a great sale and at a low price, I got them before my coupons expired.
My total was $187 and after my coupons and ECB's from my free Easter Baskets this morning, I spent $68 and then earned $20 for my next CVS run.