Friday, December 5, 2008

Strike One

At 9pm last night, Jennifer (a nurse from Matira) came out to show me everything with my new pump. She showed me how it works, how to put the tubing into my leg, everything was set and we signed the paperwork. After Jennifer left, I started feeling hot and a bit dizzy and sure enough, I looked at my stomach and chest and had a rash all over! I had an allergic reaction to the med.
So, needless to say I called Jennifer and she came back to see it. She said she has never seen anyone react to that medicine before. I took Benedryl and thankfully the rash went away. After speaking to the after hours nurse she said they were going to start me on the same medication today but they want to send me an Epi Pen first. I called this morning to tell them that I would prefer to switch meds. I know it was just a minor reaction, I dont want to wait and wonder if it is going to get worse.
So, I am waiting for Matria to contact my insurance company today to see if they can get a different med approved for the pump.
Wish me luck!


  1. good luck! i hope the insurance will cover the other medication!

  2. sorry to hear about your reaction. If you would have had the same side effects I did to reglan though, you're probably better off with something else. I hope something works for you soon!
