Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I feel like I am backsliding a bit.
I lost my lunch yesterday, so that makes two days in a row now. I was doing so good without losing any meals and now all the sudden it is happening again. I am starting to wonder if it is because I am back on the Zofran. The Zofran worked great when they put it in my IV at the hospital, but did not work for me orally. They say that this is the same as the IV form.
I am still waiting to hear back from the insurance company on if the pump is going to be covered or if there is another company that is in-network that will cover a different one. I should hear something by tomorrow for sure.
I am also debating whether or not to go to my work Christmas party tomorrow night. I would love to get out of the house for a change, but I also don't want to get there and then feel miserable or sick. Andy said he would drop me off and my mom will be in Brighton shopping tomorrow night anyhow, so she would pick me up as soon as I called her. I guess I will wait and see what kind of day I am having and decide then.

1 comment:

  1. We would love to see you there, but don't overdo yourself. If it is going to make you miserable...stay home and rest. The rumor yesterday was that we aren't eating til 715 or so. Sooo we'll see. Luv ya!!!
