I braved a WalMart run tonight WITH Mason. I have been couponing at CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid and even Kroger for a while now, but decided that tonight I was going to try WalMart.
So, off I headed with my $95 worth of cut coupons. I did get a little nervous while I was checking out because it is hard to pay attention to make sure that things ring up on sale that are supposed to be on sale while trying to keep Mason quiet and occupied. The only bummer was there were about 10 items that were not on the same sale as what the Internet sales indicated (regional differences). However, my total was $91 before coupons and $4o after!!! I used $51 in coupons (and WalMart does not double them, so that was a lot for me). I ended up with 22 FREE items.
So for all of the stuff pictured above I only paid $40.00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It still amazes me that people don't use coupons or "do not have time" for it. I don't NOT have time for it. It only takes a few hours of my week and saves our family a ton of money.
you need to teach me your skills!! :)