Mason and I headed to the zoo today, it was such a nice day for it (a bit chilly when we started, but it warmed up fast). We ended up getting an annual membership for our family since my hopes are to go a lot this year.
Jen, Ellie and Shay met us there. They too have an annual pass so we made a commitment to meet there as much as possible. I am going to need something to get me back in shape after Kailee is here!
Mason loved seeing all of the animals, but by far the seals were his favorite. We were a bit disappointed that the polar bears had to move out of their exhibit today and were not swimming around, but we can always catch them next time. Other than the bears, all of the other animals were out and pretty active compared to when we usually go see them, which is usually on a hot summer day.
Mason's other favorite thing to do was running around with Ellie just enjoying the freedom and spring weather. They have been cooped up for too long!
Oh my word...I LOVE your pictures! And...I am sore again tonight - how in the world are you whipping me back into shape while you are 7 months pregnant? Unbelievable.