*is 17 # 12 oz and is 28 1/4 inches long (32nd percentile for weight & 75th for height)
*is clapping
*is saying mama, dada, (and Andy swears he heard a "mommy" but I think that was coincidence!)
*is scooting all over the floor and can really get to what she wants now (Mason is NOT a big fan of this!)
*is learning sign language, Mason is my assistant teacher :)
*is going through separation and stranger anxiety
*loves baths
*has 7 teeth
*is no longer interested in baby food and is eating table food and LOVES everything-Praise God!
*still taking 3 naps a day
*is very curious
*sucks her thumb at night and likes her pacifier only while she is in her car seat
*FINALLY has enough hair for a little pony tail YAY!!!
*is such a huge blessing to our family! She and Mason bring us so much joy everyday!!
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