Yesterday was Andy's 29
th birthday! YES, he is still in his 20's and trust me I hear about it all the time :) We had a birthday dinner for him at his parents house with all of his favorites: veal
parmesan and of course his mom's homemade chocolate cake! He is such a great dad and a fabulous husband! I am so blessed!

We LOVE you honey! Happy Birthday!

Today our little
Kailee Grace turned 3 months old!!!

It has been fun to see how much she has changed! She loves watching Mason run around and gets so excited when he actually stops to talk to her or kiss her on the head!

Mason is such a good big brother. He is getting more and more protective of her! He hates when she cries and always wants me to "go get her"! It is so cute to watch them interact together. I can only imagine what it will be like when she is moving around and chasing him around the house! He loves to "teach" her new things, he knows that if he says he is teaching her something then he wont get in trouble for using her toys or laying on her activity mat!
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