Thursday, August 20, 2009

5 Years!!

Five years ago Andy and I committed to spend the rest of our lives together! We could not have asked for a more perfect day! It was mid-high 70s, the sun was shining, our family and friends were there to support us and of course the food and chocolate fountain were unforgettable as well! Thankfully we had no horror stories, everything fell right into place.

It is amazing to look back at all of our pictures and remember all the little things that are so easy to forget (i.e.-Jenni and my sister-in-law Sarah peeking around the corner while Andy and I saw each other and exchanged gifts before the ceremony, or how little my nieces were). I kinda miss the craziness of planning all of the little details of a wedding. Only 30 more years and then I can help Kailee! It's kinda funny think that we were not even thinking about babies at that point and now we have 2 beautiful kids! A lot can change in 5 years!!

Happy Anniversary honey! You are the best! I could not have asked for a better husband! I Love you!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

BIG Girl!

Now that Kailee is 3 months old, I decided to unpack the BUMBO chair! As you can tell she loves it!! Any time I put her in her swing or carseat she does crunches to sit up so that she can see everything that is going on! She enjoyed sitting on the dinner table tonight! I have to say she is a bit nosey and I have NO idea where she gets it from ;)
She is growing up way too fast.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Catching Up!

Mason graduated from his first swim class ever on Saturday!!! He did such a great job! He now likes to swim by himself-even though he really does not know how! It will be fun to see how he does in South Carolina! We bought him a new swim vest so that he can have a bit of independence while swimming but stay afloat so that he can keep learning!

Uncle Josh came home for a couple days and came over to spend some time with the kids before he moves to ALASKA! He brought Mason a train whistle (which Mason loves a bit too much) and a cute book. Kailee got a cute sweatshirt! Mason loved hanging out and playing with him and he was asking where he was today. So cute!
Good luck with your move Uncle Josh, we will miss you!!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Yesterday was Andy's 29th birthday! YES, he is still in his 20's and trust me I hear about it all the time :) We had a birthday dinner for him at his parents house with all of his favorites: veal parmesan and of course his mom's homemade chocolate cake! He is such a great dad and a fabulous husband! I am so blessed!

We LOVE you honey! Happy Birthday!

Today our little Kailee Grace turned 3 months old!!!
It has been fun to see how much she has changed! She loves watching Mason run around and gets so excited when he actually stops to talk to her or kiss her on the head!

Mason is such a good big brother. He is getting more and more protective of her! He hates when she cries and always wants me to "go get her"! It is so cute to watch them interact together. I can only imagine what it will be like when she is moving around and chasing him around the house! He loves to "teach" her new things, he knows that if he says he is teaching her something then he wont get in trouble for using her toys or laying on her activity mat!