For Kailee's six week birthday last Sunday we went out to Grandma and Grandpa Rutherford's house to celebrate! OK, so that is not the true reason we went there, we went to hang out on the boat! We had a great time even though it was quite windy. Mason was a champ jumping right into the chilly water that it took Andy a good few minutes to adjust to :) The boys kept drifting away from the boat due to the wind so we had to tie a line to Andy's life jacket so that they would stay close by. With him tied, we slowly pulled them across the lake where it was more calm! It was Mason's first time tubing without a tube or what my dad now calls "noodling"! It was really fun to watch how calm he was about all of the waves getting in his face, I really think swim class has helped!
I still can't believe Kailee is six weeks old. The time goes much faster the second time around, especially with the speed that Mason keeps! She is getting so big and is starting to track people and noises. Her smiles are so cute (even if they are from gas). She has been such a good eater and sleeper! She has now slept 3 nights in a row for me :) HOORAY! She is such a blessing and I can't imagine our family without her!
Kailee, you look so cute in your little cherry outfit. I love it!