I am now on a Zpak after a trip to the Dr yesterday. My bacterial blood count was high and because Kailee is now here and we don't want her sick, they put me on the meds to wipe out this nasty infection. She said another day or two and it would have been full blown bronchitis. Not good! Our nights consist of either Andy or I sleeping on the couch due to me coughing constantly. I wish the cough would stop so that I could sleep while Kailee is sleeping!
On a better note, Kailee went for her one week weight check today. She is gaining really well! She was 7 pounds 4 oz last week and 8 pounds this week!! This is GREAT having a baby that eats well :) We are so blessed!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Happy 1 Week Birthday Kailee!

I can't believe how fast this week has gone by! It is still funny to think that I was supposed to be induced this coming Friday! I am SO glad she came early!!
On the other hand ever since we have been home from the hospital Andy and I have had a sore throat. I went to the Minute Clinic and got tested for Strep just in case. Thankfully it came back negative, however now I have a nasty cough to go along with it. Please pray that Kailee and Mason do not catch it. I feel kinda guilty, I try to only hold her while nursing and then into the bouncer or pack n play she goes. Hopefully it will run it's course quickly so that I can cuddle and kiss her as much as I want to!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Kailee Grace!!!!

Welcome Kailee Grace Brown to the world!! She was born Sunday, May 17th at 6:32pm weighing in at 7 pounds 9 ounces and 20.5 inches long!
We had a MUCH better experience than last time :) My water broke at 4:30pm after having contractions on and off for 3 days. Thankfully I was only dilated to a 4 when I got to the hospital so I was able to receive the epidural this time (it is my new favorite thing!). About 5 minutes after getting the epidural, I fully dilated and starting pushing. I only had to push through 5 contractions and then she was here! So all in all, I was only in labor for 2 hours and 2 minutes! Good thing Novi Providence is so close and that Andy is a fast driver!!
We are so thankful for all of your prayers, phone calls, meals, help and friendship! We are so blessed that she is nice and healthy~now we just need to work on Mason's transition of our family of 4.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
37 Week Check
I just got back from the OB and I am dilated to 2 and 70% effaced. My midwife is thinking that because I was dilated to 3 and 70% effaced with Mason for over 2 weeks, she does not think that I will go early but did say that anything can happen! They ended up scheduling my induction for May 29th at 6:30am . Kinda early in the am if you ask me (and especially Andy), but apparently they like to do it the very first thing in the morning.
So it looks like we will meet baby Kailee on the 29th unless she decides to come earlier.
So it looks like we will meet baby Kailee on the 29th unless she decides to come earlier.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
IT'S OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!!

PS-Andy even wrote it down on paper today and asked our waitress at Mongolian BBQ how to pronounce it and she pronounced it correctly! Hooray ;)
Showered in PINK!!

A HUGE thanks to Jenni, Sara, Krysta and Laura for throwing me an awesome PINK party last night! They thought of every little detail (which is not surprising, they are so creative and crafty!!) Cute decorations, favors, phenomenal desserts, punch and beautiful flowers.
I feel so blessed! Thank you, thank you, thank you I had such a great time!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Another OB visit
I went for my 36 week check today. I did not gain any weight this week (weird-guess I can keep on my double cheeseburger routine) and I am now only measuring a half of a week smaller (instead of 2 weeks like last week). My blood work came back perfect and the 24 hour urinalysis came back OK. I still have trace amounts of protein in my urine but it is not anything they are worried about! My BP was up a bit from what it is normally, but I also had Mason with me and he was cranky and ready for a nap!
Baby sounds good her heart rate was 135-140 bpm. I was really hoping that they were going to tell me that she should be here any day, but no such luck!! They did not even check to see if I was dilated today, bummer. I think I was being overly optimistic.
Looks like I still have 23 days left....
Baby sounds good her heart rate was 135-140 bpm. I was really hoping that they were going to tell me that she should be here any day, but no such luck!! They did not even check to see if I was dilated today, bummer. I think I was being overly optimistic.
Looks like I still have 23 days left....
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
36 Weeks
Monday, May 4, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
A Day Out with Thomas the Tank Engine!!

Our train ride lasted about 20 minutes, he loved every minute of it!! It was so special to be able to do this with him as he is going to have to be sharing the attention with his little sister very soon!
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