My new love....couponing!! I went to a class that my neighbor had last March and ever since then I have been hooked on coupons. I used to make fun of my mom for having a coupon for everything, but now that I pay my own bills, they really help out!
I never really realized that there is a "science" to it all, but there is and my shopping trips are now amazingly cheaper!! I went to Kroger last week and my $117 bill came down to $42.50 with coupons....amazing!
Here are pictures of my CVS and Walgreens trips this morning.
Walgreens: All of the above items were FREE after e-mail in rebate and to top it off, I had coupons, so I made a profit of $6, PLUS-there is a $40 rebate on the glucose monitor which means technically I end up with a $46 profit! I don't need the monitor, but I can donate it.
CVS- here are my final costs on the above products...
VO5- 50 cents each
soup- 36 cents each
glade candles- 69 cents each
Palmolive- 59 cents each
Kellogg's cereal- $1.13/box
Energy Shots-Free after Extra Care Bucks
Kotex pads- 72 cents each pack
Fusion Power razor-$4 profit after ECB and coupon!!
My friend Laura is also hooked on coupons and is WAY better at this than I am. I am having her come to teach a Coupon Party Class at my house on Feb 13th at 6:30pm, please come and find out how to save (or make!!) a lot of money!!!!!!!!!!!!! The class is usually$20 per person which pays for your supplies and goes to a missionary project that her hubby is involved with!
Here is her blog if you want to check it out:
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