Friday, November 28, 2008


Everything was so different this year. To me, it did not even feel like it was Thanksgiving! Usually Andy heads off early in the morning to participate in the Turkey Bowl then Mason and I meet him at my in-laws for a breakfast followed by going to either my parents or staying there for a great dinner. This year, Andy did not go to Turkey Bowl. His sister and her husband are here from Germany-we usually don't get to see them until Christmas, so that feels different too. Everyone came here for a wonderful breakfast that his mom and dad made and then I was off to my parents house for lunch and dinner while Andy and Mason went to Andy's aunts house for Thanksgiving dinner. It felt so weird to celebrate separate from them. I did not even get any pictures :(
It also feels weird to not be out and about shopping today. Next year will be back to normal! I know it is all worth it! I have so much to be thankful for!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Finally Blogging!!

After often thinking that I should start a blog, I am finally doing it!
We probably should have started this when Mason was a baby. Looking back it would have been a great way to journal and keep track of his developments instead of trying to remember to update his baby book.
I decided to start doing this because I am now pregnant with our second baby who is due June 2nd :) and have been having some issues. This is a great way for everyone to check to see if there are any updates on anything without me having to bombard your email inboxes!! It will also be a fun way for family and friends to see updated pictures of Mason and our new addition in June.
This pregnancy started out great! I was feeling fine until about 7 weeks and then started throwing up. I was nauseous with Mason, but never vomited! So, after losing some weight I called the OB and they put me on anti-nausea meds which helped at first. After a couple weeks those were not helping anymore and I was put on a different medication which makes me very dizzy. Election Tuesday came and I blacked out while I was in line (Andy was thankfully there with me!) I had an appointment that week and by then I was 10 weeks and had lost a total of 13 pounds. Not good! So after debating about whether or not to put me in the hospital, the Dr. decided to put me on home bedrest since I was finally keeping some of my meals down. I had to go into ER twice to get IV fluids to rehydrate myself.
I am now just over 13 weeks and there have been no changes with the nausea, and unfortunately I am still on bedrest. We went for an ultrasound on Monday after my last OB check to make sure that the baby is gaining and growing as it should. The tech said everything that she could see looked great-Praise God!!
Unfortunately, I got a phone call today from the OB's office saying that the only thing that did not look good is that I have placenta previa. Hopefully this will go away by the next time I have my 18 week ultrasound. Please pray for this to correct itself!
I am so thankful for amazing family and friends who have helped so much this far! My mom is here almost every day and Andy's family has been very helpful with Mason as well! The hardest part of all of this is to not be able to be up and moving around. We are usually always on the go. I am a very independent person and it is so hard to not do things for myself. Our church family has been bringing meals and friends have been visiting and helping so much! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!